Master Gardeners Association of Alberta (MGAA)
MGAA Website: Information provided on this website is believed to be accurate to the best of our knowledge.
Third-Party Websites: MGAA does not endorse nor is it responsible for any content provided on third-party websites. The MGAA assumes no responsibility for its accuracy, nor that it will remain current at all times.
Volunteer Opportunities: The Volunteer page provides information to individuals wishing to undertake volunteer work, and from third parties sponsoring volunteer opportunities. Individuals undertaking volunteer opportunities listed on this website are considered to be volunteers of the organizations listing the opportunities, not volunteers of the MGAA.
The MGAA bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the organizations sponsoring volunteer opportunities. Each organization bears sole responsibility for the volunteer opportunities identified on this website, including but not limited to the organization's selection of volunteers and the terms and conditions of participation in the volunteer opportunities. Any dispute that may arise between a volunteer and a third party organization must be resolved by that individual and the organization involved.