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Alberta Horticultural Association 2022 Conference
June 25, 2022 @ 11:15 am - 3:30 pm

Welcome to the 2022 Alberta Horticultural Association’s Conference and Annual Meeting. We are delighted to be meeting in person.
The day’s schedule includes:
• 9:00-11:00 AM. Judging Recertification- for horticultural judges
• 10:45-11:15 AM. Pre-registration meet & greet
• 11:15 AM-12:00 PM. Annual meeting- AHA members and non-members are welcome to attend
• 12:00-1:00 PM. Catered lunch
• 1:00-3:30 PM. Three horticultural presentations & silent auction.
The Annual Meeting includes reports from our District Representatives sharing news about clubs and societies across the province. This is an excellent opportunity to hear some fresh ideas for your club.
Guest Presentations:
Designing Flower Bed Displays with Annuals. As a Senior Horticulturalist with the University of Alberta Botanic Garden, Emily Neis is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Aga Khan Garden and the Patrick Seymour Alpine Garden. She grows the plants for the UABG’s annuals displays. Throughout her horticultural career Emily has designed floral displays and she has been a Communities in Bloom judge for six years.
Emily will give us a step-by-step guide to creating floral displays for home gardens and community projects. Starting with design ideas and eye-catching colour combinations, we’ll learn her tips for outstanding plants to use, best planting practices, and summer care for all season colour. Emily’s favourite part of the year is planting the annuals and seeing the displays develop over the season.
Simple Solutions with Garden Netting. Sandra Rosler manages the family business, GRDNetting Solutions, located in Airdrie.
Urban or rural, large or small, and whatever crops you grow- all of our gardens are vulnerable to various types of damage. Have you ever watched in disbelief while hail destroys your vegetables? High winds, blazing sun, hungry birds, foraging deer, and voracious insects can all take a toll on your garden.
Sandra will show us innovative ways to use garden netting to shield, shade, and protect our gardens from each of these hazards.
Ecovision Club- Canada’s Greenest School. We’ll take a 10-minute virtual tour of Lacombe Composite High School’s innovative environment and agricultural programs. Since 2007 teacher Steven Schultz has guided students on a journey into gardening, greenhouse growing, beekeeping, setting up micro-businesses, solar energy, designing a green roof, and tending goats. All the projects are entirely led, developed, researched, and built by students.
The AHA’s silent auction is a perennial favourite, take home a gift for yourself or for your garden. (There might even be some perennials!) This fundraiser supports the AHA's Educational Program.
Finish off the day with a drive by the Ecovision Club Garden.
Tickets are priced to encourage participation:
• Judge Recertification Workshop: $10.00 (for certified horticultural judges only)
• Full Registration: $40.00 (includes meet & greet coffee, AGM, catered lunch, and guest presentations,)
• Or Presentations only: $20.00 (1:00-3:30 PM)
Registration deadline Friday, June 17
Payments can be made online via Eventbrite or by cheque:
• cheques payable to Alberta Horticultural Association
• mail to: Judy Bortnik, AHA Treasurer Unit 374, 223 Tuscany Springs Blvd NW Calgary, AB T3L 2M2
Questions? email [email protected]
Learn more about the Alberta Horticultural Association at ABHortA.ca