MGAA: Native Grasses of Alberta

Join Latifa Pelletier-Ahmed, from ALCLA Native Plants, for a talk on growing Native Grasses. There has been much interest in growing native flowers, shrub and trees, however native grasses haven't had much attention. Let Latifia be your guide of the beauty of the humble grass and growing them in our gardens. Eventbrite Tickets

Low Water Perennials for the Prairies with Verne Williams

Join Verne for a FREE talk on “Low Water Perennials for the Prairies”. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 897 1089 4561 Passcode: 512728 Meeting ID: 897 1089 4561 Passcode: 512728  


Urban Forestry Today

via ZOOM

Safety Update Dr. John Ball, South Dakota State University, will return to the 'Urban Forestry Today' Noonhour (Eastern) webcast on Thurs Jan 13 to provide an update about safe work practices for arboriculture & urban forestry professionals. Attend live & receive Free ISA/MCA CEUs by clicking here or by visiting & entering: 905-048-147   View archived webcasts on the 'Urban Forestry Today' website.

MGAA: Seed Collecting in Kyrgyzstan

Join Yaro Horachek on a trek through Kyrgyzstan in search of native plants. Come join Yaro Horachek for a photo-rich travel documentary describing his alpine seed collecting trips through Eastern Asia. The plants are unique and the mountainous views are stunning. Yaro is a knowledgeable alpine gardener and great story teller describing his adventures through…

Urban Forestry Today

via ZOOM

Climate Change & Urban Trees: What Does the Future Hold? Dr. Leslie Brandt, USDA Forest Service & Madeline Baroli, NIACS, will join the 'Urban Forestry Today' Noonhour (Eastern) webcast on Thurs Feb 03 to discuss how a changing climate may impact the future of our urban forests. Attend live & receive Free ISA/MCA CEUs by clicking here or by visiting & entering: 905-049-355 View…

Think Spring

Join the Calgary Horticultural Society for our Think Spring event! Get ready for spring and learn tips and tricks to implement in your garden. Our speakers will provide timely tips and offer answers to all your gardening questions. We think spring, we think gardening all seasons. Our expert panel of speakers will be able to…

Row Gardening & Containers, Using Yard Space

Alix Wagon Wheel Museum is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting with Master Gardener Janet Kan on Row Gardening & Containers, Using Yard Space. “Between the 2020 and 2021 growing seasons, I re-experienced traditional row gardening and broadened my experience with containers. My resulting observations have led me to re-evaluating how I use my…

MGAA: The Science of Soil

Exploring the 'heavy' side of soil with Mike Dorion Lets dive into the nitty gritty of the soil and what is actually happening down there. We will get up close and personal with the microbes in our soils and leave with an understanding of their roles. If we can understand how to support them then…