Calendar of Events
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17th Annual Gardeners Day- Sangudo Horticultural Club
17th Annual Gardeners Day- Sangudo Horticultural Club
Carmen Lamourex, Urban Farm Permaculture Project . via Zoom. Practical Resilient Gardening Strategies Creating resilient growing systems is essential to meeting our needs in an ever-changing world. While satisfying our fundamental needs for food security is key, our gardening practices need to address more than the need for nutrient-dense food. As mindful gardeners, we acknowledge…
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MGAA: “All About Soil” presentation by Robert Spencer, Spencer Horticultural Solutions
MGAA: “All About Soil” presentation by Robert Spencer, Spencer Horticultural Solutions
Hope you can join us for an evening of learning about soil! Making amendments and improvements to the soil is best done with a firm foundation of information about the soil. This session will address soil sampling, interpreting the results of a soil test and what the component parts mean in terms of soils, as…
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AHA: Dr. Doug Tallamy, Nature’s Best Hope is You!
AHA: Dr. Doug Tallamy, Nature’s Best Hope is You!
The Alberta Horticultural Association is excited to host a webinar with Dr. Doug Tallamy, New York Times Best Selling Author! Nature’s Best Hope is You! Gardening with a focus on the little and big things that matter most. During his webinar Dr. Doug Tallamy will help us understand how insects interact with plants and how…