Jane Reksten
Jane Reksten is originally from Victoria, BC and after completing a BA at the University of Victoria in Microbiology and Environmental Studies she moved to Calgary and completed a Diploma in Horticulture at Olds College.
Jane worked in the residential landscape industry for five years before joining the Calgary Zoo and Botanical Gardens, first as the Schoolyard Naturalization Project leader, helping schools around Alberta develop native plant gardens. Later as Botanical Education Coordinator she taught continuing education programs in plant identification, landscape design, and a multitude of other horticulture topics. She also oversaw the Master Gardener Training Program, and ran garden tours to locations such as Victoria, Vancouver, San Francisco and New York.
Jane returned to Olds College in the role of Manager, Botanic Gardens and Greenhouses which she held for 8 years. Currently she runs her own consulting company and is the Head Gardener at Lougheed House. Jane is a regular writer and speaker on a wide variety of gardening topics and enjoys sharing her love of learning and enthusiasm for horticulture.