Membership in the Master Gardeners Association of Alberta (MGAA) is open to Alberta residents who have received a Master Gardener certificate from a program recognized by the Society (may be out-of-province).
Three Categories of Membership
1. Active Members – individuals who have received their Master Gardener certificate, are members in good standing, and annually volunteer as Master Gardeners depending on their circumstances, to their best of their ability in an administrative capacity, in ongoing education, or in volunteer service to the public; reporting hours and activities volunteered annually at the time of membership renewal. Active members are entitled to receive notice of, attend, and vote at all general meetings of the Association, and to hold office.
New Membership: $40 for the year, expiring December 31st, however, those joining after June pay a prorated amount of $20.
Active Membership Renewal: $40 per year, expiring December 31st, payment by cheque, etransfer or cash; (no prorated fees for renewals).
Please pay your membership fees by sending an Interac e-Transfer to [email protected].
Fill out and submit the online Active Membership Application form
2. Student Members – individuals who are currently registered in a provincial Master Gardener Educational Program recognized by the Association, up to December 31st of the year that they complete their training program; at a reduced membership fee.
Students are entitled to receive notice of and attend general meetings of the Association, but are not entitled to vote or hold office.
Membership: $10.00 per year while registered in a program of MGAA studies: benefits expire December 31st of the year that studies are completed. Active Membership benefits are available after that.
Please pay your membership fees by sending an Interac e-Transfer to [email protected].
Fill out and submit the online Student Membership Application form
3. Honorary Members – are individuals recognized by the MGAA for their significant contributions to Master Gardeners and the affairs of the Society.
Membership Requirements: Volunteer Hours
The MGAA recognizes that members’ capacity for undertaking volunteer activity in areas such as administration, ongoing education, or volunteer service to the public may depend on circumstances: there is no minimum number of volunteer hours required to maintain membership in the organization.
To maintain active Master Gardener status and membership with the MGAA, as of 2019 requires its members to report their volunteer hours for the previous year at the time of membership renewal.
Volunteer activities are categorized as follows:
- Administration e.g. board members, organizing committees, MGAA training programs.
- Ongoing personal education in the area of gardening e.g. attendance at educational events, undertaking a project, taking horticultural courses from recognized institutions.
- Volunteer service to the public e.g. helping at school, community or public gardens, providing educational opportunities, fielding ‘Ask A Master Gardener’ questions in public venues.
- Other e.g. gardening volunteer activities not adequately captured in the above three categories.
Please fill out and submit the online Volunteer Hours Summary Form.