Of Interest
The National Gardening Association Newsletter
Featuring New Flowers & Plants from Jung 2025
Read in Phys.org:
MGAA List of 30 Great Drought Tolerant and Bee Friendly Plants for the Garden
1) Achillea (Yarrow)- native and nativars
2) Agastache foeniculum (Anise hyssop)- native, attracts pollinators
3) Artemesia: many types including native species
4) Asters- including native species, late season food source
5) Baptisia (Wild indigo)
6) Bulbs: Allium, species tulips, bulbous iris, snow crocus, , squills, lilies
7) Coreopsis verticillata (Tickseed)
8) Echinacea purpurea (coneflower)- late season/winter food source
9) Erigeron (Fleabane)- native and nativars
10) Gaillardia (Blanket flower)- native and nativars
11) Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke)- native
12) Geraniums (perennial types)
13) Grasses: Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ (Feather reed grass)
.....Helictotrichon (blue oat grass), Sporobolus (Prairie Dropseed)- native
.....Koeleria (Junegrass)- native, Festucas- glauca, montana (perennial rye grass)- native
.....Bouteloua (Blue Gramma grass)- native, Schizachyrium (Little Bluestem)- native
14) Heliopsis (False sunflower)- pollinator attractor
15) Heuchera (coral bells) – including native species
16) Lychnis chalcedonica (Maltese Cross)
17) Nepeta (catmint)- excellent pollinator plant
18) Opuntia fragilis and Opuntia polyacantha (Prickly Pear cactus) - natives
19) Peonies: herbaceous, species and Itoh- singles best for pollinators
20) Penstemon species- including natives, attracts hummingbirds
21) Salvias- hummingbird, insect and butterfly attracting
22) Scrophularia macrantha ‘Red bird in a bush’- hummingbird and pollinators
23) Sedum and Hylotelephium- tall and groundcover, late season food source
24) Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks)
25) Solidago (Goldenrod)- including native species, keystone pollinator species
26) Stachys (lambs ears)- bee attracting
27) Thistles: Echinops (Globethistle) and Eryngium (Sea Holly)- bee attracting
28) Thymes- excellent for small insects
29) Veronicastrum (Culver’s Root)- pollinator attractant
30) Veronica: tall, medium and groundcover varieties
Affiliations and Resources
The Master Gardeners Association of Alberta is a proud affiliate of:
- The Calgary Horticultural Society (http://www.calhort.org)
- The Edmonton Horticultural Society (http://www.edmontonhort.com)
National Garden Program:
- The Canadian Garden Council (http://gardenscanada.ca)
Alberta Master Gardener Education Programs
List of Greenhouses, Garden Centres, and Nurseries in Alberta: (https://floweryprose.com/2020/04/22/list-of-greenhouses-garden-centres-and-nurseries-in-alberta/)
University Gardening Resources:
- University of Saskatchewan - Gardening (https://gardening.usask.ca/ )
- Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott with Washington State University - Horticultural Myths (https://puyallup.wsu.edu/lcs/)
Master Gardener Associations:
- Atlantic Master Gardeners Association (https://www.atlanticmastergardeners.ca/)
- Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners (https://www.gwmastergardeners.ca/)
- Master Gardeners Association of BC (http://www.mgabc.org)
- Manitoba Master Gardener Association (http://www.mgmanitoba.com)
- Master Gardeners of Ontario (http://www.mgoi.ca)
- Toronto Master Gardeners (https://www.torontomastergardeners.ca
- Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton (http://www.mgottawa.ca/)
- Master Gardeners UK (http://mastergardeners.org.uk)
Horticultural References:
- Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation (https://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/app21/rtw/index.jsp)
- Alberta Health Service – Community Gardens Handbook: How to Start and Maintain a Garden (https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/nutrition/Page11409.aspx)
- Alberta Invasive Plant Council (https://abinvasives.ca/)
- Alberta Mycological Society https://www.
- Alberta Native Plant Council (http://anpc.ab.ca/)
- Edmonton Naturalization Group (http://edmontonnaturalizationgroup.org)
- Plant Watch (http://www.naturewatch.ca)
Botanical References:
- E-Flora BC Glossary of Botanical Terms (https://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/eflora/ifbc_glossary.html)
- Kew Royal Botanic Gardens (http://www.kew.org)
- Royal Botanical Gardens (http://www.rbg.ca)