Student Membership Application Form Printable PDF of Student Membership Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *Last Name *Address *City & Province *Example: Calgary, ABPostal Code *Email *Preferred telephone *Alternate telephone Name of institution and year of the Master Gardener Program you are completingPlease describe an interest or skill that you would like to pursue with the MGAADo you agree to receive our emails? (check one option)YesNoI understand that photos or video (digital media) may be recorded at an MGAA event and that it is impossible for MGAA to control who is included in that recording. Digital media that includes me may be published on the MGAA website and in marketing without my permission, and that the MGAA does not assume responsibility if I had requested to be excluded. If that occurs, I can request MGAA to remove the content that includes my picture. A condition of membership with the MGAA is to volunteer your skills and knowledge as a Master Gardener in the community each year; completing the Volunteer Hours Summary Form and submitting it to [email protected] after December 31st of each year. As a Student Master Gardener this condition of membership is not required but encouraged. Dues: $10 while registered in a program of MGAA studies: benefits expire December 31st of the year that studies are completed. Signature: Clear Signature Date *Current DateCaptcha * = Submit