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MGAA: Symposium

March 16 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

$35 – $45

Join Myrna Pearman, Gerard Fournier and Robert Pavlis for the MGAA’s Symposium: Ground in Science.


Creating and Caring for Wildlife Habitat at Home with Myrna Pearman

Join Myrna Pearman, lead author of  NatureScape Alberta: Creating and Caring for Wildlife Habitat at Home as she outlines current conservation concerns related to biodiversity  and offers suggestions about what we can do as gardeners to provide habitat in our own yards and gardens. Myrna oversaw the development of the gardens at Ellis Bird Farm into demonstration “Naturescapes” and led research, conservation and education efforts to raise awareness about the importance of backyard biodiversity. 

Myrna Pearman is a retired biologist as well as a best-selling author, enthusiastic nature photographer and writer, kayaker and backroads rambler. She is a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS), the Resident Naturalist for Mother Nature’s Seed, and is actively involved with the Red Deer River Naturalists. She lives on the south shore of Sylvan Lake, AB. www.myrnapearman.com

Planting With Natives with Gerald Fournier

Planting native trees and shrubs makes a lot of sense in our challenging climate.  Join Gerard as he discusses some of the traditional uses and stories behind these important and beautiful plants, the biology behind how they have adapted to our growing conditions and best planting practices to ensure success.

Gerard has been in love with trees most of his life, and started his first tree service company at the age of seventeen. Since then, after two other tree outfits and eight years work with a major tree service company in Calgary, Gerard founded his own tree service and tree nursery in Didsbury, Alberta, back in 2000. Serving the industry on various boards and professional organizations most of his career, Gerard has also been a Community Adviser for Tree Canada in Southern Alberta since 2007. Board Certified Master Arborist, Red Sealed Journeyman Landscape Horticulturist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified, Gerard spends most of his time in the winters as a part time sessional instructor teaching apprentices at Olds College. Specializing in tree retention consultations and afforestation projects, Gerard is happy to be sharing his knowledge abundantly with all those who love and work with trees!

 Climate Change from a Gardeners Perspective with Robert Pavlis

This program starts by asking a key question, is climate change real, and the answer will surprise you. How does global warming affect gardening and how should we change the way we do things in the garden? What can gardeners do to reduce their effect on CO2 levels? We’ll discuss invasives, tilling, composting, and water use in terms of their impact on the environment. Carbon sequestration in soil is key and this has led to several soil management myths which need to be debunked.

Robert Pavlis is a well-known speaker, educator and myth buster with over 40 years of gardening experience. He is an award winning author of several books, Food Science for Gardeners, Building Natural Ponds, Soil Science for Gardeners, Plant Science for Gardeners, Compost Science for Gardeners, Microbe Science for Gardeners and Garden Myths and publishes the popular gardening blog; GardenMyths.com and a YouTube Channel; Garden Fundamentals. As the owner and head gardener of Aspen Grove Gardens, a six-acre botanical garden, he grows 3,000 varieties of plants.

Robert Pavlis
Published books: Garden Myths, Food Science for Gardeners, Plant Science for Gardeners, Soil Science for Gardeners
Microbe Science for Gardeners, Compost Science for Gardeners and Building Natural Ponds
Blog: Garden Myths
YouTube Channel: Garden Fundamentals
Facebook Groups: Garden Fundamentals and Building Natural Ponds



Tickets: Members $35.00 — MGAA Students $25.00 — General Admission $45.00

Talks will be recorded and available to ticket holders for 7 days after the symposium.

Click here for Eventbrite and more ticket information.  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mgaa-symposium-tickets-1231033096129?aff=oddtdtcreator


March 16
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
$35 – $45
Event Categories:


Master Gardeners Association of Alberta
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