12 events found.
MGAA Board Meeting
via ZOOMMGAA Board Meeting
via ZOOMMGAA Board Meeting
via ZOOMMGAA Board Meeting
via ZOOMGrounded in Science: Master Gardeners Association of Alberta Fall Symposium
via ZOOMA day of enlightenment and enjoyment as we explore gardening with insects, invasive plants and gardening with ground covers. Join us as we explore the impact plant invasion has on our environment and learn of methods being used to reduce their introduction and spread with Environmental Horticulturalist Andrea Eastman; How growing ground cover plants reduces…
MGAA Board Meeting
via ZOOMMGAA Board Meeting
via ZOOMSuccession and Weeds as Soil Builders by Mark Stumpf-Allen
TICKETS Why do some soils grow tomatoes while others grow weeds? Why did I rarely water decades ago and have great vegetables, but now I have a crust and have to water every week? Why do store-bought veggies have no flavour? Soils are more than just sand, silt, and clay. They are also a complex…