On Thurs Sept 09 at Noon (Eastern) join Dr. Mike Raupp, Univ of Maryland, as he returns to the 'Urban Forestry Today' broadcast to summarize the insect pests of our urban landscapes from the 2021 growing season. Attend live & receive Free ISA/MCA CEU's by clicking here or by visitingwww.joinwebinar.com & entering: 138-621-779
International Master Gardener conferences are held every two years and provide an excellent opportunity for members of the public, Extension Master Gardeners, and Extension specialists to come together to learn and share. This year, the IMCG 2021 is inviting Master Gardeners to attend the conference virtually, which presents an exciting opportunity for Alberta Master Gardeners! 'Leading researchers.…
This course takes place over 5 Wednesdays from September 15 to October 13, 2021. Please note the prerequisites below. This 5 week course is designed for gardeners who wish to extend their knowledge of trees and shrubs in Calgary. During the first 4 weeks, 25–30 specimens will be studied. Some of these will be specimens…
2021 AMGA Fall WebinarNiki JabbourGrowing Under Cover - Techniques for a more productive, weather-resistant, pest-free vegetable gardenWhenSep. 22, 7:00 p.m. ADTWhereZoom