When: Saturday May 6th Time: Starts at 9 AM Where: Spruce it Up, Countryside Landscapes in DeWinton, Beaver Dam Nursery and Saskatoon Farm Hello everyone: I am looking to organize an ad hoc 'in person' tour of some garden centers in the Calgary area & region on Saturday, May 6th. SEE BELOW FOR APPROXIMATE TIMES…
CRAGS Webinar-Greening Rooftops in Alberta Thu, May 11, 2023 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM MDT All are welcome at this in-person meeting which will be held at Lakeview Community Hall and online. For Non-Members $8: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/greening-rooftops-in-alberta-with-kerry-ross-tickets-624396134647?aff=ebdsoporgprofile Green roofs are a renewed building technique initiated in central Europe and catching on in Alberta. The…
Save the Date! The Society hosts two plant shares a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The objective of our Plant Share is sharing excess plant material between Society members. Members can also receive information about plants such as their needs and habits, as plant advisors are on hand to answer…
Edmonton Horticultural Society Plant Share Gardeners love to share! The EHS’s semi-annual Perennial Exchange is a great opportunity to find new homes for your extra plants, exchange them for new ones, and buy locally hardy plants at reasonable prices. You can donate and buy garden tools, too. This event is held twice a year—each spring just…
CRAGS ANNUAL PLANT SALE: SATURDAY JUNE 3, 2023 CRAGS Plant Sale Saturday June 3, 2023: Open to the public noon to 4pm. Volunteers get early pick from about 11:15am to noon. Setup starts about 9:45am. Buyers: Please try to bring a tray or box for your purchases. Each vendor handles his or her own payments,…